Thursday, January 24, 2013


My name is Alex Fein, and I am a sophomore business major from Philadelphia, PA. I personally consider mass media to be the collection of resources that we use to obtain information on an everyday basis. In the past, mass media undoubtedly depended on newspapers, magazines, and radio stations, however it is evident that the media has changed drastically in recent years with the addition of many new resources. In fact, as I learned throughout JOUR175, or "Media Literacy", today's media is greatly influenced by social networks, data visualizations, and big data, in addition to many other revolutionary technologies. Ultimately, I think that this new technology is beneficial for society, because it allows us to be more efficient and productive in countless ways. With this new technology, everyday tasks are made simpler, communication can be maintained from anywhere, and progression is constantly occurring. Furthermore, I am nearly certain that technology and social media will help me in my future career, because these media platforms are currently being used by people in every industry. Social media is a worldwide phenomenon that will likely continue to grow, therefore I think that the ability to use this technology will be a great asset in the future. 

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