Thursday, February 7, 2013

With Apple's "iBooks Author" Program, Users Can Now Create a Bestseller with a Few Simple Clicks

Example of iBooks' customizable template page
Released on January 19, 2012, Apple's "iBooks Author" tool has made it easier than ever for aspiring authors to publish their work to the world. In fact, with this free app, Apple has made it possible for users to instantly insert text, images, interactive graphics, and much more into an online iBook, thus revolutionizing the way in which we view the art of publishing today. Moreover, another critical aspect of the "iBooks Author" program that has been repeatedly lauded is its simplicity. According to TechCrunch, the "iBooks Author" program can be effortlessly navigated by anyone, and it can incorporate users' files from Microsoft Word, Keynote, and other applications with ease. Thus, with this newfound technology, authors can now express their true creativity in their books with galleries, 3D objects, videos, interactive diagrams, mathematical expressions, and much more. To directly explain the program, the "iBooks Author" homepage on provides users with a step-by-step process towards creating their own iBook. 

Different Templates, Widgets, 3D Images make iBooks fully customizable 

As the site conveys, users must begin by choosing from one of several customizable templates, which come in both landscape and portrait orientations. Once a template has been selected, the author then has the ability to drag and drop their choice of text, graphics, videos, movies, etc. For advanced users, the application then allows authors to customize their book in whatever fashion they find suitable. With the ability to add multi-touch widgets, JavaScript creations, and engrossing 3D objects, there seems to be no true limit as to what one can include in their digital book. Furthermore, once one has essentially completed their iBook, they have the ability to publish their work to the iBookstore. Thus, by simply completing an online application, users can submit their published work into Apple’s worldwide digital bookstore, so that friends, family, or fans can instantly download the iBook to their mobile devices. 

iBooks give readers new advantages as well 

Granted, while many people may still prefer the luxury of a physical book, the iBook has many notable advantages for readers as well. Aside from being able to highlight text, take notes, or look up words in the dictionary with an iBook, readers can also enable voiceover technology to have their mobile device read the book to them. With all of these incredible functions, it is evident that the “iBooks Author” program represents an enormous step forward for Apple.
"iBooks Author" Program has boosted Apple sales 

In fact, due to the “iBooks Author” program, Apple has also gained considerable ground on Amazon, the current e-book sales market leader. With the creation of the Kindle, Amazon has experienced great success in recent years after ultimately transforming the market for purchasing books. However, with that being said, Apple’s ability to provide users with free software such as the “iBooks author” program has undoubtedly brought them back into the discussion, and it has also proved to be incredibly lucrative. To elaborate, due to a licensing agreement included in the “iBooks Author” application, Apple has ensured that the iBooks produced with this software can only be purchased via Apple’s own iBookstore. Additionally, Apple receives 30% of the proceeds from each iBook purchase, thus ensuring them a substantial profit. Due to this stipulation, Apple has exclusively limited the access of iBooks to Apple users, consequently diminishing a large portion of Amazon’s appeal. Yet, despite the differences between Apple and Amazon's respective products, both of these companies' innovations reflect a simple truth: the end of the physical book as we know it is near. 

1 comment:

  1. Alex Fein's ePortfolio blog was very clear and informative. The title told the reader exactly what they were going to read and what the topic was about. Apple is a big company that is influential in different areas, and this is one area where we can see Apple using the iBook to help influence and transform the print media into becoming digital. Because it is an easy, more effective method of publishing an author's work, some people prefer to use an iBook to a regular book. This blog made me think of media in a long-term form. It is interesting to speculate which direction the media will go in. Will all books eventually be online or will people always value printed books? Although this question is hard to answer, it would have been interesting to read the blogger's personal perspective. While the blogger did a good job at explaining the basics and benefits of this product, there were few opinionated views on the iBook. Also, the pictures in the middle fit with the article. All in all, the blog was written well, the layout was easy to follow, and the blogger did a good job at introducing the iBook to his readers.
